The RaxanClientExtension (CLX) class makes it very easy to manipulate client-side DOM elements on-the-fly. It does this by generating action scripts that are sent to the client's web browser for processing. Action scripts can be defined as a sequence of jQuery or native JavaScript function calls.
The C() function is available to developers as a wrapper to the RaxanClientExtension class.
In this example, we are going to use the CLX to set the html value the <div> tag and then fade in the result:
class MyPage extends RaxanWebPage {
protected function _load() {
// set the content of the page
$this->content('<input id="mybutton" type="button" value="Click Me" /><div id="msg" />');
$elm = $this['#mybutton']; // select the mybutton input element
$elm->bind('#click','.buttonClick'); // bind to the mybutton click event using an ajax callback
protected function buttonClick($e) {
// select the #msg element on the client
C('#msg')->html('Hello World') // use the C() function
->hide() // hide the element
->fadeIn(); // fade in the element.