Class RaxanWebPageEvent


Used internally by RaxanWebPage

  • property: string $uiDraggable: Id value for ui draggable element
  • property: string $uiHelper: Id value for ui helper element
  • property: string $uiSender: Id value for ui sender element
  • property: string $uiItem: Id value for ui item element
  • property: string $uiSortedItemIds: Comma delimited list of sorted item ids
  • property: string $which: Number representing the ASCII code of the key that was pressed
  • property: string $button: Number representing the mouse button that was pressed (1=left, 2=middle, 3=right)
  • property: string $value: Event value submited from client
  • property: mixed $result: Stores the returned value from a callback method.

Located in /raxan.webpage.php (line 2269)

Variable Summary
mixed $button
mixed $ctrlKey
mixed $data
mixed $iPage
mixed $metaKey
mixed $pageX
mixed $pageY
mixed $result
mixed $target
mixed $targetX
mixed $targetY
mixed $uiDraggable
mixed $uiHelper
mixed $uiItem
mixed $uiSender
mixed $value
mixed $which
Method Summary
RaxanWebPageEvent __construct ( $type,  &$page, [ $e = null])
string alphanumericVal ()
RaxanClientExtension client ([ $selector = null], [ $context = null])
string dateVal ([ $format = null])
string floatVal ()
string intVal ()
string matchVal ([string $pattern = '/[a-zA-Z0-9-.]/'])
RaxanWebPage page ([ $css = null])
string textVal ()
mixed val ()
mixed $button (line 2274)
  • access: public
mixed $ctrlKey (line 2277)
  • access: public
mixed $data (line 2279)
  • access: public

Redefinition of:
mixed $iPage (line 2281)
  • access: protected
mixed $metaKey (line 2277)
  • access: public
mixed $pageX (line 2275)
  • access: public
mixed $pageY (line 2275)
  • access: public
mixed $result (line 2279)
  • access: public

Redefinition of:
mixed $target (line 2271)
  • access: public
mixed $targetX (line 2276)
  • access: public
mixed $targetY (line 2276)
  • access: public
mixed $uiDraggable (line 2272)
  • access: public
mixed $uiHelper (line 2272)
  • access: public
mixed $uiItem (line 2272)
  • access: public
mixed $uiSender (line 2272)
  • access: public
mixed $uiSortedItemIds (line 2272)
  • access: public
mixed $value (line 2274)
  • access: public
mixed $which (line 2277)
  • access: public

Inherited Variables

Inherited from RaxanSysEvent

Constructor __construct (line 2283)
  • access: public
RaxanWebPageEvent __construct ( $type,  &$page, [ $e = null])
  • $type
  • &$page
  • $e

Redefinition of:
alphanumericVal (line 2299)

Returns alphanumeric characters from the event value

  • access: public
string alphanumericVal ()
client (line 2308)

Returns an instance of the RaxanClientExtension class

  • access: public
RaxanClientExtension client ([ $selector = null], [ $context = null])
  • $selector
  • $context
dateVal (line 2317)

Returns formatted a date value from the selected form element

  • access: public
string dateVal ([ $format = null])
  • $format
floatVal (line 2335)

Returns a float from the callback value

  • access: public
string floatVal ()
intVal (line 2326)

Returns an integer from the callback value

  • access: public
string intVal ()
matchVal (line 2345)

Returns matched characters from the event value

  • access: public
string matchVal ([string $pattern = '/[a-zA-Z0-9-.]/'])
  • string $pattern: Optional Regex pattern. Defaults to /[a-zA-Z0-9-.]/
page (line 2354)

Returns an instance of the web page controller that's associated with this event

  • access: public
RaxanWebPage page ([ $css = null])
  • $css
textVal (line 2363)

Returns the non-html text from the callback value

  • access: public
string textVal ()
val (line 2372)

Returns the event callback value

  • access: public
mixed val ()

Inherited Methods

Inherited From RaxanSysEvent
