Raxan Element Class
This class is used to traverse and manipulate a set of matched DOM elements
Located in /raxan.element.php (line 21)
RaxanBase | --RaxanElement
Class | Description |
RaxanUIWidget | Raxan User Interface Widget Class |
Inherited from RaxanBase
Adds a custom method to the RaxanElement Class. Use addMethod($object) to add multiple methods from an object
Adds new elements to the selection based on the specified selector(s)
Returns an alphanumeric value from the selected form element
Add the previous matched selection to the current selection
Append matched elements to selector
Appends the html of the matched elements to the selected client element.
Appends an html view file to the matched elements
Returns or set attribute on match elements
Automatically assign unigue ids to matched elements that are without an id
Attach an event and a callback function to the matched elements events
This method is also used to bind an array or a PDO result set to the matched elements - See Raxan::bindTemplate()
Check validity on form fields.
Supports basic HTML5 validation for email, date, number and url input types. The pattern, required, min and max attributes are also supported. Currenly min/max is only supported for numeric inputs (type=number)
Selects the immediate children of the matched elements
An ajax event helper that's used to binds a function to the click event for the matched selection.
Clone matched elements and select the clones (alias to the clone() method)
Returns or sets CSS property values
Returns or sets news data value for the macted elements
Returns formatted a date value from the selected form element
Binds an event to the selector of the matched elements using event delegation
Make matched elements draggable.
Enable matched elements to accept dropped items and raise the drop event
Returns sanitized email address from the selected form element
Revert the currently modified selection to the previously matched selection
this works if the selection was modified using filter(), find(), eq(), etc
Reduces the set of matched elements to a single element
Highlight or expose the matched elements on the screen
Fades in the matched elements
Fades out the matched elements
Reduces the matched elements to those that match the selector
Search matched elements for the specified selector(s). Returns the matched results of the search
Search matched elements for the specified xpath. Returns the matched results of the search
Returns or sets the float value for the selected form element
Returns a single element or an array of element
Returns true if one element in the matched selection contains the specified class
Returns or sets the height of the container element
Hides the match elements from the client's browser.
Sets the inner html content of matach elements. Returns only the inner html of the first matched element.
Set or return the form input values of the matched elements
Add matched elements after all selected elements
Add matched elements before all selected elements.
Returns or sets the integer value for a form element
Returns an array of invalid field names and their associated validation message as reported by checkvalidity()
Returns true is if at least one element matches the selector
Localize matched elements that have a valid locale key/value pair assigned to the langid attribute
Applies a callback to matched elements and returns a new set of elements
Can also be used to filter or replace the matched elements
Returns the selctor for the match elements
Returns matched characters from the selected form element
Selects the next sibling of the matched elements
Selects the next siblings of the matched elements
Remove element matching the specified selector from the set of match elements
Returns the outer html of the first matched element
Overlays the matched elements on the screen
Selects the parent element of the matched elements
Selects the ancestors of the matched elements
Absolutely positioning an element relative to the window, document, a particular element, or the cursor/mouse
Prepend matched elements to selector
Prepends the html of the matched elements to the selected client element.
Preserves the state of the matched elements
Selects the previous sibling of the matched elements
Selects the previous siblings of the matched elements
Removes the state of the matched elements
Replace all selected with matched elements
Replaces the selected client-side element with the html of the matched elements.
Replace matched elements with content
Make matched elements resizable
Selects inner child of match elements - used by wrap functions
Set custom validity message for form fields
Show the match elements inside the client's browser if it was previously hidden from the client
Selects the siblings of the matched elements
Selects a subset of the match elements
Show the matched elements using the slide down animation effect
Hide the matched elements using the slide up animation effect
Sets or returns a date store name for the matched elements
An ajax event helper that's used to binds a function to the submit event for the matched selection.
Returns or sets the non-html text value for a form element
Binds a callback function to a timeout event. $msTime - milliseconds
Private/protected Methods ----------------------
Trigger events on the match elements
Removes all event handlers for the specified event type
Update client-side elements with the html content of the matched elements.
Returns or sets the value for a form element
Returns an array valid field names and their associated values as reported by checkvalidity()
Returns or sets the width of the container element
Wrap matched elements inside the specified HTML content or element.
Wrap all matched elements inside the specified HTML content or element
Inherited From RaxanBase