Used internally by RaxanWebPage
Located in /raxan.webpage.php (line 2382)
DOMDocument | --RaxanDOMDocument
Return DOMNodeList query dom based on CSS Selector
CSS to Xpath -
Mod by rayond 10-dec-2008. fixed: last, first, added not
Initialize DOM source
Sets the page controller id
Returns true if DOM source was loaded.
Sets or returns HTML/XML source - this is loaded only when the DOM is first queried
Return DOMNodeList query dom based on XPath
Inherited From DOMDocument (Internal Class)
constructor __construct ( [$version = ], [$encoding = ] )
adoptNode ( $source )
appendChild ( $newChild )
C14N ( [$exclusive = ], [$with_comments = ], [$xpath = ], [$ns_prefixes = ] )
C14NFile ( $uri, [$exclusive = ], [$with_comments = ], [$xpath = ], [$ns_prefixes = ] )
cloneNode ( $deep )
compareDocumentPosition ( $other )
createAttribute ( $name )
createAttributeNS ( $namespaceURI, $qualifiedName )
createCDATASection ( $data )
createComment ( $data )
createDocumentFragment ( )
createElement ( $tagName, [$value = ] )
createElementNS ( $namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, [$value = ] )
createEntityReference ( $name )
createProcessingInstruction ( $target, $data )
createTextNode ( $data )
getElementById ( $elementId )
getElementsByTagName ( $tagName )
getElementsByTagNameNS ( $namespaceURI, $localName )
getFeature ( $feature, $version )
getLineNo ( )
getNodePath ( )
getUserData ( $key )
hasAttributes ( )
hasChildNodes ( )
importNode ( $importedNode, $deep )
insertBefore ( $newChild, [$refChild = ] )
isDefaultNamespace ( $namespaceURI )
isEqualNode ( $arg )
isSameNode ( $other )
isSupported ( $feature, $version )
load ( $source, [$options = ] )
loadHTML ( $source )
loadHTMLFile ( $source )
loadXML ( $source, [$options = ] )
lookupNamespaceUri ( $prefix )
lookupPrefix ( $namespaceURI )
normalize ( )
normalizeDocument ( )
registerNodeClass ( $baseClass, $extendedClass )
relaxNGValidate ( $filename )
relaxNGValidateSource ( $source )
removeChild ( $oldChild )
renameNode ( $node, $namespaceURI, $qualifiedName )
replaceChild ( $newChild, $oldChild )
save ( $file )
saveHTML ( )
saveHTMLFile ( $file )
saveXML ( [$node = ] )
schemaValidate ( $filename )
schemaValidateSource ( $source )
setUserData ( $key, $data, $handler )
validate ( )
xinclude ( [$options = ] )